Self Leadership

Take control of your own success by empowering everyone

For your business to succeed, you need individual contributors who work with customers and handle the day-to-day tasks that keep your business running. Building a sustainable business requires motivation and commitment, as they make up the silent majority of your organization.

Self Leadership trains individuals to become empowered, proactive self leaders who take control of their own success and are committed to achieving results for your organization.

Support and expand your people's potential by creating a culture of self-leadership

Every employee in your organization must be empowered, proactive, and committed to achieving results in today’s competitive markets. In our Self Leadership course, individuals at all levels of your organization learn how to become empowered self leaders who accept responsibility and take the initiative to achieve their goals.

In addition to incorporating the world’s most widely taught leadership model, SLII®, Blanchard’s Self Leadership program integrates the latest research on proactive skills for effective individuals. By developing a shared language for discussing their performance and development, team members can have more effective conversations and build trust and open relationships with their managers.

Developing self-leadership skills in your individual contributors will enable them to become proactive self-starters who know how to ask for guidance and guidance, solicit feedback, and sell their ideas to the leadership team.

Delivery Options to Meet Your Needs

We can deliver Self Leadership in-person, as virtual sessions, as part of a learning journey, or delivered in a self-directed online or moderated online version, so your managers can learn how to become self leaders wherever they are and whenever they have time.

1 Day Instructor-led Course

The Self-Leadership in-person experience is a one-day course that uses a four-part learning path to ensure participants develop the self-starting mindset they need to move the organization forward. Self Leadership teaches individuals at all levels within an organization to learn the proactive behaviors required to:

  • Move from being responsive to being responsible for their role in the success of organizational initiatives
  • Solicit the feedback required to develop expertise
  • Take initiative in idea generation, innovation, and problem solving
  • Ask for the direction and support needed to achieve their goals

Prework: LAUNCH — Engaging prework assignments, including an assessment, which explains key Self Leadership concepts, and downloading the SLII app.

Day 1: LEARN — Activities to define Self Leadership and Crafting a Personal Learning Purpose. Introduces the SLII® Model and a common language of leadership.

Day 1: PRACTICE — Participants practice the skill of Matching. They discover that being proactive means getting the matching leadership style from anyone who can provide the direction and support they need.

Day 1: PRACTICE — Participants review their Perceptions of Self Leadership assessment results and learn how to integrate and analyze their manager’s responses in their first One on One.

Post Work: APPLY — Revisit the learning portal and access tools, including the Perceptions of Self Leadership Interpretation Guide. Prepare, schedule, and conduct a One-on-One Conversation with their manager.


Virtual Instructor-led Course

The Self Leadership virtual course with prework assignments completed before the course, followed by three two-hour live virtual sessions. The virtual sessions offer learners an engaging experience that includes instruction, group activities, and opportunities to practice new skills.

  • Virtual session 1 prepares participants to learn the mindset and skillset of a Self-Leader, and challenge assumed constraints
  • In virtual sessions 2 & 3 learners develop new skills by completing activities based on personal work challenges
  • Participants will have Online Tools to apply content and use with others such as Perceptions of Self Leadership Guide, SLII App, worksheets, videos, One on One Conversations Process Sheet, and Self-Leadership digital kbassets

Collaborative Online Course

The Self Leadership Collaborative Online course is a collaborative learning experience that lets you interact online and virtually with a leadership expert to guide you, work with a community of peers. Each week you will spend one hour completing coursework and activities, and one hour attending a live virtual session led by Blanchard’s leadership experts. The virtual sessions are scheduled at two global-friendly time slots.

Week 1: Get introduced to the mindset and skillset of a self leader, complete a Self Leader Questionnaire, and start challenging assumed constraints.

Week 2: Focus on setting clear and compelling goals. Participants learn how to craft smart, motivating, attainable, relevant, and trackable goals.

Week 3: Discover how to diagnose personal development level on a goal or task. Dive into development levels and get access to the SLII® mobile app.

Week 4: Learn Matching: getting the leadership style each individual needs. Explore the second critical mindset: being proactive.

Week 5: Learn how to identify and activate points of power. Use the One-on-One Worksheet to plan for a manager One-on-One Conversation.

Week 6: Share the results of the manager One-on-One conversation and create an action plan for committing to the mindset and skillset of a self leader.

Online Overview

The online overview provides your people with a high-level look at Self Leadership. The module teaches several core Self Leadership concepts with exercises they can complete in a total of 35 minutes. It contains one- to five-minute micro-learning videos, interactions, and tools. These are for learners who need browsable tips and bits of knowledge for just-in-time help for moments of need. These flexible kbassets can be used to refresh or reinforce the content.

Online Program

Self Leadership Online takes your people through seven modules covering the essentials of Self Leadership. The content is broken down into seven-modules which contain a variety of engaging videos, games, stories, and activities ranging from one to five minutes each. Learners can complete this content in a total of two and a half hours.

Online Program with Launch and Debrief Sessions: The Launch and Debrief sessions are optional and designed to be simple to facilitate. You can conduct a Launch session to set the context for learning and create excitement. The Debriefs provide activities with an opportunity to practice online learnings, discuss their application, and share success stories.

Digital kbassets

SSet of micro-activities, including videos, interactions, and worksheets, that learners can access in moments of need to support ongoing learning, performance support, reinforcement, and custom learning journeys.

By delivering self-directed purpose, self-leadership renews employee engagement

The world loses $7.8 trillion in productivity from disengaged employees. In 2021, only 21% of employees were engaged at work.

Empower Your Company's Most Valuable Asset-
Its Individuals Contributor

The success of your company’s strategic initiatives depends on the commitment and proactive behavior of those on the front line, the individual contributors responsible for executing and making it happen. By empowering individual contributors with the skills and mindset of self leadership, you can create a productive, accountable, innovative, and engaged workforce.

Develop at a faster pace

As self-leaders, they ask for direction and support, moving up the curve more quickly to proficiency.

Enhance performance

Embedded self-leaders consistently work hard and increase performance across your organization because they are more engaged and committed.

Ensure personal accountability

Self leaders are not held accountable by their managers — they hold themselves responsible for achieving their goals and successfully executing your organization's initiatives, not their managers.

Increase Innovation

To solve problems, address challenges, and develop innovative solutions, empowered self leaders must overcome constraints.

Are you ready to get started?

Find out how we can help your individual contributors become self-leaders by contacting us today.

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